
Probing IgG1 Fc–Multimodal Nanoparticle Interactions: A Combined Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Approach
Gudhka R. B., Vats M., Bilodeau C. L., McCallum S. A., McCoy M. A., Roush D. J., Snyder M. A., Cramer S. M.

Formation of Ligand Clusters on Multimodal Chromatographic Surfaces
Bilodeau C.L., Lau E.Y., Roush D., Cramer S.M.
Latest Publications:
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Towards platformization of monoclonal antibody capture precipitation solution conditions in the PEG-zinc precipitant system.
Yuncan Zhu, Matthew Mergy, Steven M Cramer, Todd M Przybycien
Separation and Purification Technology. (2025)
In silico mediated workflow for rapid development of downstream processing: Orthogonal product-related impurity removal for a Fc-containing therapeutic.
Dongyoun Jang, Scott H Altern, Steven M Cramer
Journal of Chromatography A. (2024)
A batch screening technique for the calculation of chromatographic separability.
Eric Denbaum, Scott H Altern, Nicholas Vecchiarello, Steven M Cramer
Journal of Chromatography A. (2024)
Implications of AAV affinity column reuse and vector stability on product quality attributes.
Harshal Soni, Ira Lako, Matteo Placidi, Steven M Cramer
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (2024)
High-throughput in silico workflow for optimization and characterization of multimodal chromatographic processes.
Scott H Altern, Jessica Y Lyall, John P Welsh, Sean Burgess, Vijesh Kumar, Chris Williams, Abraham M Lenhoff, Steven M Cramer
Biotechnology Progress. (2024)
Exploring preferred binding domains of IgG1 mAbs to multimodal adsorbents using a combined biophysics and simulation approach.
Kabir Dhingra, Imee Sinha, Mark Snyder, David Roush, Steven M Cramer
Biotechnology Progress. (2024)
Mechanistic model-based characterization of size-exclusion-mixed-mode resins for removal of monoclonal antibody fragments.
Scott H Altern, Andrew J Kocot, Jacob P LeBarre, Cristiana Boi, Michael W Phillips, David J Roush, Stefano Menegatti, Steven M Cramer
Journal of Chromatography A. (2024)
Comparative Analysis of Protein Surface Hydrophobicity Maps Determined by Sparse Sampling INDUS and Spatial Aggregation Propensity.
Imee Sinha, Shekhar Garde, Steven M Cramer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (2023)
Smart Manufacturing Implementation of a Continuous Downstream Precipitation and Filtration Process for Antibody Purification.
Sambit Ghosh, Matthew Mergy, Mirko Minervini, Jacinta Okpanum, Steven M Cramer, B Wayne Bequette, Andrew L Zydney, Todd M Przybycien
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. (2023)
Continuous precipitation-filtration process for initial capture of a monoclonal antibody product using a four-stage countercurrent hollow fiber membrane washing step.
Mirko Minervini, Matthew Mergy, Yuncan Zhu, Mario A Gutierrez Diaz, Craig Pointer, Oleg Shinkazh, Sheldon F Oppenheim, Steven M Cramer, Todd M Przybycien, Andrew L Zydney
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (2023)
Implications of AAV affinity column reuse and vector stability on product quality attributes.
Harshal Soni, Ira Lako, Matteo Placidi, Steven M. Cramer
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (2023)
Evaluation of preferred binding regions on ubiquitin and IgG1 FC for interacting with multimodal cation exchange resins using DEPC labeling/mass spectrometry.
Kabir Dhingra, Ronak B. Gudhka, Steven M. Cramer
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 120, 1592-1604. (2023)
Characterization and implications of host-cell protein aggregates in biopharmaceutical processing.
Young Hoon Oh, Matthew L. Becker, Kerri M. Mendola, Leila H. Choe, Lie Min, Kelvin H. Lee, Yinges Yigzaw, Alexander Seay, Jerome Bill, Xuanwen Li, David J. Roush, Steven M. Cramer, Stefano Menegatti, Abraham M. Lenhoff
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 120, 1068– 1080. (2023)
Isotherm model discrimination for multimodal chromatography using mechanistic models derived from high-throughput batch isotherm data.
Scott H. Altern, John P. Welsh, Jessica Y. Lyall, Andrew J. Kocot, Sean Burgess, Vijesh Kumar, Chris Williams, Abraham M. Lenhoff, Steven M. Cramer
Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1693 (2023)
Evaluation of preferred binding regions on ubiquitin and IgG1 FC for interacting with multimodal cation exchange resins using DEPC labeling/mass spectrometry.
Dhingra K., Gudhka R., Cramer S. M.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1– 13. (2023)
Development of QSAR models for in silico screening of antibody solubility.
Han X., Shih J., Lin Y., Chai Q., Cramer S. M.
mAbs 14 (1), 2062807, (2022)
Towards continuous mAb purification: Clearance of host cell proteins from CHO cell culture harvests via “flow-through affinity chromatography” using peptide-based adsorbents.
Sripada S. A., Chu W., Williams T. I., Teten M. A., Mosley B. J., Carbonell R. G., Lenhoff A. M., Cramer S. M., Bill J., Yigzaw Y., Roush D., Menegatti S.
Biotech. and Bioeng. 1-17, (2022)
Adaptive immune responses in vaccinated patients with symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Alpha infection.
Park H., Shapiro J. R., Sitaras I., Woldemeskel B. A., Garliss C. C., Dziedzic A., Sachithanandham J., Jedlicka A. E., Caputo C. A., Rousseau K. E., Thakar M., Suwanmanee S., Hauk P., Aliyu L., Majewska N. I., Koley S., Patel B., Broderick P., Mosnaim G., Heath S. L., Spivak E. S., Shenoy A., Bloch E. M., Gniadek T. J., Shoham S., Casadevall A., Hanley D., Cox A. L., Laeyendecker O., Betenbaugh M. J., Cramer S. M., Mostafa H. H., Pekosz A., Blankson J. N., Klein S. L., Tobian A. A. R., Sullivan D., Gebo K. A.
JCI Insight, 7 (5), e155944, (2022)
Understanding the effects of system differences for parameter estimation and scale-up of high throughput chromatographic data.
Keller W. R., Evans S. T., Ferreira G., Robbins D., Cramer S. M.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1661, 462696, (2022)
A framework for calculating orthogonal selectivities in multimodal systems directly from cell culture fluid.
Vecchiarello N., Timmick S. M., Cramer S. M.
Biotech. and Bioeng. 119 (1), 299-314, (2022)
Systematic workflow for studying domain contributions of bispecific antibodies to selectivity in multimodal chromatography.
Parasnavis S. S., Niu B., Aspelund M., Chung W. K., Snyder M. A., Cramer S. M.
Biotech. and Bioeng. 119 (1), 211-225, (2022)
Probing IgG1 Fc–Multimodal Nanoparticle Interactions: A Combined Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Approach.
Gudhka R. B., Vats M., Bilodeau C. L., McCallum S. A., McCoy M. A., Roush D. J., Snyder M. A., Cramer S. M.
Langmuir, 37, 41, 12188-12203, (2021)
Evaluation of guanidine-based multimodal anion exchangers for protein selectivity and orthogonality.
Koley S., Altern S. H., Vats M., Han X., Jang D., Snyder M. A., Belisle C., Cramer S. M.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1653, 462398, (2021)
Affinity precipitation of monoclonal antibodies using ELP-Z in the elution without resolubilization mode.
Bhat M., Mullerpatan A., Chen J., Holstein M., Ghose S., Li Z. J., Cramer S. M.
Journal of Biotechnology, 338, 1-4, (2021)
Advancing a rapid, high throughput screening platform for optimization of lentivirus production.
Gopal S., Osborne A. E., Hock L., Zemianek J., Fang K., Gee G., Ghosh R., McNally D., Cramer S. M., Dordick J. S.
Biotechnol. J., 2000621, (2021)
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