We have employed explicit molecular dynamics (MD) simulations as well as coarse-grained molecular approaches, including electrostatic potential (EP) calculations, docking, etc. to study the behavior of protein retention on ion-exchange and multimodal (MM) systems.m
Selected References:
1.Chung, Wai Keen, et al. "Evaluation of protein adsorption and preferred binding regions in multimodal chromatography using NMR." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.39 (2010): 16811-16816.
2.Freed, Alexander S., Shekhar Garde, and Steven M. Cramer. "Molecular simulations of multimodal ligand–protein binding: elucidation of binding sites and correlation with experiments." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115.45 (2011): 13320-13327.
3.Parimal, Siddharth, Shekhar Garde, and Steven M. Cramer. "Interactions of multimodal ligands with proteins: insights into selectivity using molecular dynamics simulations." Langmuir 31.27 (2015): 7512-7523.
4.Bilodeau, Camille L., et al. "Conformational equilibria of multimodal chromatography ligands in water and bound to protein surfaces." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123.23 (2019): 4833-4843.
5.Bilodeau, Camille L., et al. "Formation of ligand clusters on multimodal chromatographic surfaces." Langmuir 35.51 (2019): 16770-16779.
6.Vats, Mayank. Elucidating the role of multimodal ligand surfaces in protein chromatography using molecular dynamics simulations. Diss. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 2022.